Modding Intro

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Minetest has a scripting API (Application Programming Interface), which is used to program mods (short for "modifications") for the game, extending its features and adding new items.

This API is accessed using an easy-to-use programming language called Lua.

The only thing you will need is basic programming knowledge. If you don't have any programming experience, you can use to learn. It will teach you the basics of programming (it is JavaScript, not Lua, but still helps).

More specifically, the version of Lua is 5.1. Reference manual, book


-- Add the decowood node
minetest.register_node("tutorial:decowood", {
	tiles = {"tutorial_decowood.png"},
	groups = {snappy=1,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,flammable=3},

-- Add the decostick craftitem
minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:decostick", {
	inventory_image = "tutorial_decostick.png",
	groups = {stick=1},

-- Add the crafting recipe for decowood
	output = 'tutorial:decowood 2',
	recipe = {
		{'default:wood', 'default:wood', ''},
		{'default:wood', 'default:wood', ''},
		{'', '', ''},

-- Add the furnace recipe for decosticks
	type = "cooking",
	recipe = "tutorial:decowood",
	output = "tutorial:decostick",


Learn how to actually set up an environment to start modding in the next section! Modding_Setup