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A stack of items. Can be created via <source enclose="none">ItemStack(itemstack or itemstring or table or nil)</source>.
See the Lua API or https://rubenwardy.com/minetest_modding_book/en/items/inventories.html
'''Please note''' that all functions returning <code>ItemStack</code> return its copy which modifications won't affect original <code>ItemStack</code>.
== Definitions ==
Items and item stacks can exist in three formats:
* Serialized; This is called <code>stackstring</code> or <code>itemstring</code>:
:* <source enclose="none">'default:dirt 5'</source>
:* <source enclose="none">'default:pick_wood 21323'</source>
:* <source enclose="none">'default:apple'</source>
* Table format:
:* <source enclose="none">{name="default:dirt", count=5, wear=0, metadata=""}</source> — 5 dirt nodes
:* <source enclose="none">{name="default:pick_wood", count=1, wear=21323, metadata=""}</source> — wooden pick about 1/3 weared out
:* <source enclose="none">{name="default:apple", count=1, wear=0, metadata=""}</source> — an apple.
* ItemStack. C++ native format with many helper methods. Useful for converting between formats. See this article for details.
== Methods ==
* <source enclose="none">[ItemStack]add_item(item)</source> — put some item or stack onto this stack, returns leftover <code>ItemStack</code>
* <source enclose="none">add_wear(amount)</source> — increases wear by <code>amount</code> if the item is a tool
* <source enclose="none">clear()</source> — removes all items from the stack, making it empty
* <source enclose="none">get_count()</source> — returns number of items on the stack
* <source enclose="none">get_definition()</source> — returns the item definition table
* <source enclose="none">get_free_space()</source> — returns <source enclose="none">get_stack_max() - get_count()</source>
* <source enclose="none">get_metadata()</source> — returns metadata (a string attached to an item stack)
* <source enclose="none">get_name()</source> — returns item name (e.g. <source enclose="none">"default:stone"</source>)
* <source enclose="none">get_stack_max()</source> — returns the maximum size of the stack (depends on the item)
* <source enclose="none">get_tool_capabilities()</source> — returns the digging properties of the item, or those of the hand if none are defined for this item type
* <source enclose="none">get_wear()</source> — returns tool wear (<code>0-65535</code>), <code>0</code> for non-tools
* <source enclose="none">[ItemStack]is_empty()</source> — return <source enclose="none">true</source> if stack is empty
* <source enclose="none">is_known()</source> — returns <source enclose="none">true</source> if the item name refers to a defined item type
* <source enclose="none">item_fits(item)</source> — returns true if item or stack can be fully added to this one
* <source enclose="none">peek_item(n)</source> — copy (don't remove) up to <code>n</code> items from this stack; returns copied <code>ItemStack</code>; if <code>n</code> is omitted, <code>n=1</code> is used
* <source enclose="none">replace(item)</source> — replace the contents of this stack (<code>item</code> can also be an itemstring or table)
* <source enclose="none">take_item(n)</source> — take (and remove) up to <code>n</code> items from this stack; returns taken <code>ItemStack</code>; if <code>n</code> is omitted, <code>n=1</code> is used
* <source enclose="none">to_string()</source> — returns the stack in <code>itemstring</code> form
* <source enclose="none">[ItemStack]to_table()</source> — returns the stack in Lua table form
== Example ==
minetest.register_craftitem("modname:tool", {
description = "Example Tool",
inventory_image = "modname_test.png",
on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
-- Takes one item from the stack
return itemstack

Latest revision as of 01:58, 16 August 2022